Housing Opportunity Foundation institutes the Youth Excellence in Service Award (YES) Applications due July 15


Kim Walker, 704-940-3149

CHARLOTTE, N.C. – The Charlotte Regional Realtor® Association’sHousing Opportunity Foundation and Realtor members are proud to institute the Youth Excellence in Service Award (YES Award) to recognize and celebrate area youth who are engaged in improving the quality of life in the region.  

When young people are engaged in community service they are more likely to become the next generation of adults focused on building a stronger community.  By establishing the YES Award, the local Realtor community seeks to encourage, cultivate and celebrate area youth, ages 10 to 18 who are working to address a board spectrum of needs in an effort to build a stronger community. 

Local youth actively engaged in community service projects are encouraged to submit their nomination by July 15, 2019. The chosen recipient will receive a commemorative plaque and $500 to be donated to the charity of their choice in their name. The recipient will also be honored at the foundation’s awards luncheon on September 4, 2019, and/or at the recipient’s school assembly.

Having recognized past youth humanitarians provided the basis to establish the YES Award.  Annually, the Housing Opportunity Foundation awards its Humanitarian Award which recognizes individuals, projects, or groups making outstanding contributions to enhance the quality of life it this region.  The YES award is the youth companion to the Humanitarian Award.  

 The Housing Opportunity Foundation is dedicated to creating a community where all housing needs are met.  The foundation works toward this goal through funding, education, advocacy and leadership programs that are focused on fair and affordable housing and workforce-housing initiatives.

 For more information about the Foundation, visit www.CarolinaHome.com or download the YES Award application and criteria.

The Charlotte Regional Realtor®Association is a trade association that provides its more than 11,100 Realtor®members with the resources and services they need to conduct ethical, professional, successful and profitable businesses. The association is dedicated to being the region's primary resource for residential real estate information. The association operates the Carolina Multiple Listing Services, Inc. (CarolinaMLS), which has more than 16,700 Subscribers and is the private cooperative Realtors®use for access to tens of thousands of residential listings in a multicounty service area, including Charlotte, the Piedmont and Mountains areas of North Carolina and South Carolina, and beyond

Original Publish Date: 5/31/2019